The desire for, and commitment to, excellence that Marcia Mayfield Twadell brought to Just Four comes not only from performing with her musical family, The Musical Mayfields, while growing up, but also from years of experience in the recording studio, on television, and personal appearances.
Marcia hus sung for 29 years as one of the King's Karollers on the weekly radio program Songs in the Night, the international radio broadcast of the Moody Church, in Chicago. In addition to her vocal performing and recording, she is also an accomplished pianist, accompanist and piano teacher. The vocal artistry of her rich contralto was demonstrated for many years on the television program Day of Discovery and the radio program Words of Hope as well as singing on demos for Hope Publishing Company, Beckenhorst Press, and Shawnee Press.
Marcia lives in the Chicago area with her husband, Mark. They have a daughter, Megan, who is a special education teacher, and a son, Brian, who is an English teacher, married, with five daughters and a son.